What is RISK Women in Business

RISK Women in Business is a Female Empowerment Initiative founded by the RISK student group in early 2024. The initiative aims to create a supportive network of experienced women in business and female students from all disciplines at KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) who inspire, promote, and support each other.

Our vision is to establish an environment where female students from a technically-focused university come together to gain insights and support in the business field. Therefore, through our events, we aim to provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and resources.


InspireHer Keynote Series

At our InspireHer Keynote Series, we invite female professionals from various sectors of the economy each month to provide KIT students with insights into the lives of successful women. In past InspireHer events, we have welcomed speakers from Bain, Triton, and Porsche. We intentionally keep this event open to all students at KIT, as we believe everyone can benefit from the experiences of successful women.

If you, as a female professional, are interested in sharing your journey and experiences at KIT, please contact us through the contact form.

EmpowerHer Mentoring Program

Starting with the winter semester 24/25, our EmpowerHer Mentoring Program will launch its first round. This offers KIT female students the opportunity to exchange ideas with successful women on various topics. This intensive exchange can provide valuable insights that will be a great support personally, academically, and professionally in the future.

The application portal will open on July 15, and we look forward to receiving numerous applications from students of all disciplines. You can find more information about the application process and participating mentors on our social media channels.

EngageHer Company Events

Throughout the semester, we organize events and workshops in cooperation with various companies from different economic sectors, allowing participants to get to know these companies up close.

For information about our events, feel free to sign up for our Newsletter or follow us on Instagram or Linkedin!